I am so very happy to see this as I haven’t stopped thinking about your essay since I read it. It was the first time I’d heard someone talking about what I have experienced and gave it a name. It was comforting to know I wasn’t alone. My suicidal ideation has become a bit more present during the pandemic and I gratefully welcome this newsletter into my inbox. Thank you!

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I feel the exact same as you since reading the first essay. You're not alone. I'm out there treading with you. And it's nice to be able to find others who feel the same, at least I know now that we aren't alone.

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Thank you for writing this. Suicidal ideation is too big not to share but I'm afraid I'll be hauled off to a ward if I do. And then who will care for my pets? I'm glad you wrote this and you're still here.

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I’ve been trying to “normalize” talking about my passive suicidal ideation more, but it still startles people, so I always have your essay ready to send to explain it better. It helped me feel less alone and also gives me an easier to way show people how I’m feeling.

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Today has been the first time in a while that I've wanted to return to the void before life. Can someone tell me what to make of all this? Can someone (other than me) show me the way out?

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Thank you for this.

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Thank you.

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Anna, this is amazing. I have struggled with passive SI for longer than I’ve had the vocabulary to give it a name. I can’t wait to hear more from you and your future collaborators. Thank you for being so brave.

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I'm always thankful for the times you talk about suicidal ideation, as it makes me feel like I'm not alone when I experience it. Your original essay made such a tremendous impact on my life and I couldn't possibly imagine where I'd be had I not learned more about it-- so I'm always going to be there during your journey just as much as your words have been there for mine.

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